Head Strong: The Bulletproof Plan to Boost Brainpower, Increase Focus, and Maximize Performance-in Just Two Weeks by
Dave Asprey
My rating:
5 of 5 stars
As I read this book, I kept asking myself how I could have missed the work being done by Dave Asprey these past seven years. Because it is my hobby, over the past two decades I have read the books of every nutrition-focused, human optimization guru out there. Or so I thought. It was my 20-something kids, who, knowing what I like most, kept asking – “Have you read Dave Asprey, mom? You know about Dave Asprey, right? What about Bulletproof, have you read up on that, mom?”
So, last week, I picked up Head Strong. I’m so glad I did. While Asprey covers
many different realms of optimizing one’s existence on this blue planet, his message is organized, and it helped me synthesize much of what I’ve learned over the years. Sure, he wants to sell his coffee and his products but this does not detract one iota from the genuinely fresh and forward-thinking approach he uses to
self-regeneration. Chapter by chapter, you get the distinct feeling that your entire life is a tablua rasa; a clean slate that YOU get to populate with decisions to improve your being. All of the industries that want to keep us sick, or tired, or fat, or that just cannot retreat from their harmful message (think fast food, big pharma, medical care providers, and many other garden variety pushers of poison) – he not only leaves them in the dust, he makes the reader feel that these flawed authorities are truly secondary to this important search for the things that will make
you stronger, clearer and more effective. Somehow, via facts and the personal stories he shares throughout the book, he gives the reader permission to take (back) ownership of his own mind, body and spirit.
Asprey's enthusiasm is authentic and that matters. The candid reports on his self-experimentation were a big plus for me because each one served to confirm for me the very best way to decide how to make changes in your life – you
have to try things. Then, stop and think. How does it make you feel?
You are the best judge of this. Just you.
Great book.
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